Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
HVAC Duct Cleaning FAQs
Well it stands for – heating ventilating and air conditioning system – so, yeah, that’s what it is.
Over time, moisture builds up on the walls of the duct. Trapping dirt and other things you don’t like to breath, like mold. Ha! There, we said it, yes, mold can start growing in dirty air ducts.
Depending on how many vents you have can be anywhere from 3-5 hrs. Yes, it’s a project.
- We remove and deep clean the actual vent then send special equipment up into your trunk lines as well as the air intakes to clean…well, everything.
- Air intake is a magical place somewhere in your house that pulls air in through a filter then into your HVAC unit to treat the air and make it hotter or colder.
Nope sorry, not going to fall for it, we know you know. But seriously, your filter on your air intake must be changed or cleaned monthly.
Should be cleaned every 3-5 years
We clean, the end vent, the trunk lines, and air intakes.
Not unless we have to – a coil should really only be patchked with by a licensed HVAC repairman/repairperson
Well if you didn’t know, why did you ask – – It’s a…well, coil inside the actual air handler and should not need to be cleaned unless there is something wrong with the system or its really really old.
Usually goes by the amount of compressors you have outside. But again just call us and we will figure it out with you.
Yes! We thought you’d never ask! Just mention the code “great reader” When you call for service and you’ll get $25 off.